Agreen bay gay pride meme

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Q: What does Ronda Rousey and the Green Bay Packers have in common? Q: What do the Green Bay Packers and a Chick-Fil-A manager have in common?Ī: Neither one shows up for work on Sunday. Q: What's the difference between the Green Bay Packers and a dollar bill?Ī: You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill. Q: How many Packers fans does it take to change a light bulb?Ī: None they are happy living in Chicago's shadow! Q: Why is Eddie Lacy like a grizzly bear? How are the Packers like my neighbors?Ī: To get the hospital on the other side. Q: What do you call a Packer fan with a sheep under his arm? Q: How does a Packer fan find a sheep in the vast rolling hills of Wisconsin? Q: Why can't Eddie Lacy get into his own driveway? Q: What do you call a beautiful girl in Green Bay? Q: What do you call a 350 pound Packer fan? Q: Did you here about the Packer fan that died at a pie eating contest?

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